11494 Delmar Drive, Suite #100

Fenton, MI  48430

Phone (810) 735-2800

Fax (810) 735-2880





DATE:   September 9, 2005


TO:       All Control Pak International Distributors and Customers


FROM:  Timothy J. Glinke,  President


RE:       Fall and Spring Training Sessions


Control Pak International is pleased to invite you to attend the next series of Training Courses.  The individual courses will be defined in the following paragraphs and on the course outlines.  Please see the enclosed Schedule for dates of the next two training course sessions.





      TR.1000                                                                        Net Price:  $450.00 *

One day course includes Instruction, Instructor's Agenda, EM Series Installation Manual, Handouts, Hands-on Exercises and lunch.  A basic understanding of micro-processor hardware will contribute to your success with this course.



                        TR.1001                                                                        Net Price:  $870.00

Five day course includes Instruction, Instructor's Agenda, EM Series User Manual, Handouts, Hands-on Exercises and lunch on five days.  A basic understanding of HVAC Systems and conventional control systems will be important for your success with this course.



                        TR.1003                                                                        Net Price:  $870.00

Five day course includes Instruction, Instructor's Agenda, ManagePak Engineering Workstation host software for Windows User Manual, Handouts, Hands-on Exercises and lunch on five days.  A basic understanding of EM Series Application Engineering, Bryce Software and IBM Keyboard will be extremely important for your success with this course.  Therefore, please practice using the Bryce Software to familiarize yourself with using the mouse and the drawing commands, as little time will be allotted for this review.



*  EM Series Hardware Troubleshooting Training costs are reduced to a $175 net price should the student attend the EM Series Application Engineering Training Course during the week previous to this training course.


II.                  GENERAL INFORMATION


A:   Previous Information Knowledge:

The basic and working understanding of information mentioned in each of the Training Course descriptions is listed so that both you and your fellow attendees may gain the most knowledge from the respective courses and so that all individuals can keep up with the course as described in the Instructor's Agenda.  As always, ample time will be provided for questions, answers and pertinent review discussions to cover the course material.


                   B:  Ordering Information:

            Please provide a purchase order or payment in advance with reservation at least four (4) weeks prior to course date.  Please plan on attending these worthwhile courses and contact us at (810) 735-2800 to register.


       C:  Training School Hours:

                        8:00 AM - 12:00 PM       Morning Session

                        12:00 PM - 1:00 PM       Lunch

                        1:00 PM - 5:00 PM         Afternoon Session


                   D:  Class Size:

                        Maximum attendees = Twelve (12) per training course total

                        Minimum attendees = Four (4) per training course total


                  E:   Rescheduling:

            If the required minimum for any school is not confirmed 14 days prior to the initial date of the session, that specific school will be cancelled and any subscribers rescheduled to a subsequent school or their tuition payment refunded.


                   F:  Distributor Discount:

            A one time, fifty percent (50%) discount for each course will be given to the first member from each distributor organization attending each course.


       G:  Cancellation Privilege:

1.                   Full credit if cancellation is received two (2) weeks or more prior to course date.

2.                   Fifty percent (50%) credit if cancellation is received less than two (2) weeks prior to course date.



                  Please contact CPI to gain specific quotations for custom and on-site training sessions



These courses enable individuals to gain a complete working understanding of all aspects of advanced Direct Digital Control System application commissioning, servicing, and enhancing.  The instructors bring years of hands-on experience that clarifies complex issues and inspire students to maximize their abilities to apply high level, custom DDC systems.  We hope you can join us at the upcoming training session.









                                                     CONTROL PAK INTERNATIONAL

                                                     TRAINING COURSES SCHEDULE



Fall  Session – 2005 (Tentative)


  November 7-11:                        EM Series Application Engineering Training

 *November 12:                         EM Series Hardware Troubleshooting Training

  November 28-December 2:        ManagePak Engineering Workstation Host Software for Windows Training


Spring Session – 2006 (Tentative)


  April 24-28:                              EM Series Application Engineering Training

 *April 29:                                  EM Series Hardware Troubleshooting Training

  May 8-12:                                ManagePak Engineering Workstation Host Software for Windows Training



Contact CPI factory for quotation and confirmation of scheduling for training.  Dates are tentative.



*   Note that this course is scheduled for a Saturday to allow students to attend this course during the same trip to receive training on the EM Series Application Engineering.  During certain sessions, the training material is covered for AE training more swiftly.  Therefore, students may be invited to participate in the TS training on the Friday of AE Training and vice-versa to eliminate the need to run the TS training on a Saturday and to expose AE Students to TS training.  Such a decision would be made by the Students and the Instructors by the Thursday of the given week, and implemented in a manner that insures the appropriate materials are covered properly.





                                                                                CONTROL PAK INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                  11494 Delmar Drive, Suite #100

                                                                                           Fenton, MI  48430

                                                                                       Phone (810) 735-2800

                                                                                         Fax (810) 735-2880